GetResponseForExceptionEvent {#126
  -exception: NotFoundHttpException {#125
    -statusCode: 404
    -headers: []
    #message: "No route found for "GET /""
    #code: 0
    #file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php"
    #line: 139
    -previous: NoConfigurationException {#124
      #message: ""
      #code: 0
      #file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainerUrlMatcher.php"
      #line: 617
      trace: {
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainerUrlMatcher.php:617 {if ('/' === $pathinfo && !$allow) {    throw new Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\NoConfigurationException();}
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Routing/Matcher/UrlMatcher.php:95 {
          › $ret = $this->match($request->getPathInfo());arguments: {
            $rawPathinfo: "/"
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Routing/Router.php:262 {
          ›     return $matcher->matchRequest($request);}
          arguments: {
            $request: Request {#2
              +attributes: ParameterBag {#6
                #parameters: []
              +request: ParameterBag {#4
                #parameters: []
              +query: ParameterBag {#5
                #parameters: []
              +server: ServerBag {#9
                #parameters: array:35 [
                  "PATH" => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
                  "TEMP" => "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/tmp"
                  "TMPDIR" => "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/tmp"
                  "TMP" => "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/tmp"
                  "HOSTNAME" => ""
                  "USER" => "web1"
                  "HOME" => "/home/www/clients/client0/web1"
                  "HTTP_HOST" => ""
                  "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => "gzip, br, zstd, deflate"
                  "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;"
                  "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "*/*"
                  "SCRIPT_FILENAME" => "/home/www/"
                  "REDIRECT_STATUS" => "200"
                  "SERVER_NAME" => ""
                  "SERVER_PORT" => "443"
                  "SERVER_ADDR" => ""
                  "REMOTE_PORT" => "27225"
                  "REMOTE_ADDR" => ""
                  "SERVER_SOFTWARE" => "nginx/1.10.3"
                  "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" => "CGI/1.1"
                  "HTTPS" => "on"
                  "REQUEST_SCHEME" => "https"
                  "SERVER_PROTOCOL" => "HTTP/1.1"
                  "DOCUMENT_ROOT" => "/home/www/"
                  "DOCUMENT_URI" => "/app.php"
                  "REQUEST_URI" => "/"
                  "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/app.php"
                  "CONTENT_LENGTH" => ""
                  "CONTENT_TYPE" => ""
                  "REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET"
                  "QUERY_STRING" => ""
                  "FCGI_ROLE" => "RESPONDER"
                  "PHP_SELF" => "/app.php"
                  "REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT" => 1726702999.1568
                  "REQUEST_TIME" => 1726702999
              +files: FileBag {#8
                #parameters: []
              +cookies: ParameterBag {#7
                #parameters: []
              +headers: HeaderBag {#10
                #headers: array:7 [
                  "host" => array:1 [
                    0 => ""
                  "accept-encoding" => array:1 [
                    0 => "gzip, br, zstd, deflate"
                  "user-agent" => array:1 [
                    0 => "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;"
                  "accept" => array:1 [
                    0 => "*/*"
                  "content-length" => array:1 [
                    0 => ""
                  "content-type" => array:1 [
                    0 => ""
                  "x-php-ob-level" => array:1 [
                    0 => 1
                #cacheControl: []
              #content: null
              #languages: null
              #charsets: null
              #encodings: null
              #acceptableContentTypes: null
              #pathInfo: "/"
              #requestUri: "/"
              #baseUrl: ""
              #basePath: null
              #method: "GET"
              #format: null
              #session: Session {#41
                #storage: NativeSessionStorage {#44
                  #bags: array:2 [
                    "attributes" => SessionBagProxy {#121
                      -bag: AttributeBag {#43
                        -name: "attributes"
                        -storageKey: "_sf2_attributes"
                        #attributes: []
                      -data: &2 []
                      -usageIndex: &3 0
                    "flashes" => SessionBagProxy {#122
                      -bag: FlashBag {#52
                        -name: "flashes"
                        -flashes: []
                        -storageKey: "_symfony_flashes"
                      -data: &2 []
                      -usageIndex: &3 0
                  #started: false
                  #closed: false
                  #saveHandler: SessionHandlerProxy {#34
                    #handler: StrictSessionHandler {#53
                      -handler: NativeFileSessionHandler {#51}
                      -doDestroy: null
                      -sessionName: null
                      -prefetchId: null
                      -prefetchData: null
                      -newSessionId: null
                      -igbinaryEmptyData: null
                    #wrapper: false
                    #saveHandlerName: "user"
                  #metadataBag: MetadataBag {#47
                    -name: "__metadata"
                    -storageKey: "_sf2_meta"
                    #meta: array:3 [
                      "c" => 0
                      "u" => 0
                      "l" => 0
                    -lastUsed: null
                    -updateThreshold: "0"
                -flashName: "flashes"
                -attributeName: "attributes"
                -data: &2 []
                -usageIndex: &3 0
              #locale: null
              #defaultLocale: "en"
              -isHostValid: true
              -isForwardedValid: true
              basePath: ""
              format: "html"
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php:115 {if ($this->matcher instanceof RequestMatcherInterface) {    $parameters = $this->matcher->matchRequest($request);} else {
          arguments: {
            $request: Request {#2}
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:212 {    }    \call_user_func($listener, $event, $eventName, $this);}
          arguments: {
            $event: GetResponseEvent {#89 …}
            ...: {
              ContainerAwareEventDispatcher {#33
                -container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                -listenerIds: []
                -listeners: []
                -sorted: array:2 [
                  "kernel.request" => array:9 [
                    0 => array:2 [
                      0 => DebugHandlersListener {#90
                        -exceptionHandler: null
                        -logger: null
                        -levels: null
                        -throwAt: 0
                        -scream: false
                        -fileLinkFormat: FileLinkFormatter {#92
                          -fileLinkFormat: false
                          -requestStack: null
                          -baseDir: null
                          -urlFormat: null
                        -scope: false
                        -firstCall: false
                        -hasTerminatedWithException: & false
                      1 => "configure"
                    1 => array:2 [
                      0 => ValidateRequestListener {#93}
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    2 => array:2 [
                      0 => CorsListener {#94
                        #dispatcher: ContainerAwareEventDispatcher {#33}
                        #configurationResolver: Resolver {#95
                          -providers: array:1 [
                            0 => ConfigProvider {#96
                              #paths: array:1 [
                                "^/api/" => array:4 [
                                  "allow_origin" => true
                                  "allow_headers" => true
                                  "allow_methods" => array:4 [
                                    0 => "POST"
                                    1 => "PUT"
                                    2 => "GET"
                                    3 => "DELETE"
                                  "max_age" => 3600
                              #defaults: array:9 [
                                "allow_origin" => []
                                "allow_credentials" => false
                                "allow_headers" => []
                                "expose_headers" => []
                                "allow_methods" => []
                                "max_age" => 1800
                                "hosts" => []
                                "origin_regex" => false
                                "forced_allow_origin_value" => null
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    3 => array:2 [
                      0 => SessionListener {#97
                        -container: ServiceLocator {#98
                          -factories: array:1 [
                            "session" => Closure {#99
                              class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                              this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                              line: "1735 to 1737"
                          -loading: []
                          -externalId: null
                          -container: null
                        -sessionUsageStack: array:1 [
                          0 => 0
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    4 => array:2 [
                      0 => FragmentListener {#100
                        -signer: UriSigner {#101
                          -secret: "ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt"
                          -parameter: "_hash"
                        -fragmentPath: "/_fragment"
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    5 => array:2 [
                      0 => RouterListener {#102
                        -matcher: Router {#103
                          -container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          -collectedParameters: []
                          #matcher: appProdProjectContainerUrlMatcher {#123
                            #context: RequestContext {#104
                              -baseUrl: ""
                              -pathInfo: "/"
                              -method: "GET"
                              -host: ""
                              -scheme: "https"
                              -httpPort: 80
                              -httpsPort: 443
                              -queryString: ""
                              -parameters: []
                            #allow: []
                            #routes: null
                            #request: Request {#2}
                            #expressionLanguage: null
                            #expressionLanguageProviders: []
                          #generator: null
                          #context: RequestContext {#104}
                          #loader: null
                          #collection: null
                          #resource: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/app/config/routing.yml"
                          #options: array:12 [
                            "cache_dir" => "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod"
                            "debug" => false
                            "generator_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator"
                            "generator_base_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator"
                            "generator_dumper_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper\PhpGeneratorDumper"
                            "generator_cache_class" => "appProdProjectContainerUrlGenerator"
                            "matcher_class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\RedirectableUrlMatcher"
                            "matcher_base_class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\RedirectableUrlMatcher"
                            "matcher_dumper_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\PhpMatcherDumper"
                            "matcher_cache_class" => "appProdProjectContainerUrlMatcher"
                            "resource_type" => null
                            "strict_requirements" => null
                          #logger: null
                          -configCacheFactory: ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory {#105
                            -resourceCheckers: []
                          -expressionLanguageProviders: []
                        -context: RequestContext {#104}
                        -logger: Logger {#76
                          #name: "request"
                          #handlers: array:4 [
                            0 => StreamHandler {#83
                              #stream: null
                              #url: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/logs/MailException.log"
                              -errorMessage: null
                              #filePermission: null
                              #useLocking: false
                              -dirCreated: null
                              #level: 200
                              #bubble: true
                              #formatter: null
                              #processors: array:1 [
                                0 => PsrLogMessageProcessor {#80}
                            1 => StreamHandler {#82
                              #stream: null
                              #url: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/logs/MailGunException.log"
                              -errorMessage: null
                              #filePermission: null
                              #useLocking: false
                              -dirCreated: null
                              #level: 400
                              #bubble: true
                              #formatter: null
                              #processors: array:1 [
                                0 => PsrLogMessageProcessor {#80}
                            2 => FingersCrossedHandler {#78
                              #handler: StreamHandler {#79
                                #stream: null
                                #url: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/logs/prod.log"
                                -errorMessage: null
                                #filePermission: null
                                #useLocking: false
                                -dirCreated: null
                                #level: 100
                                #bubble: true
                                #formatter: null
                                #processors: array:1 [
                                  0 => PsrLogMessageProcessor {#80}
                              #activationStrategy: ErrorLevelActivationStrategy {#81
                                -actionLevel: 400
                              #buffering: true
                              #bufferSize: 0
                              #buffer: []
                              #stopBuffering: true
                              #passthruLevel: null
                              #level: 100
                              #bubble: true
                              #formatter: null
                              #processors: array:1 [
                                0 => PsrLogMessageProcessor {#80}
                            3 => ConsoleHandler {#77
                              -output: null
                              -verbosityLevelMap: array:5 [
                                16 => 400
                                32 => 300
                                64 => 250
                                128 => 200
                                256 => 100
                              #level: 100
                              #bubble: true
                              #formatter: null
                              #processors: []
                          #processors: []
                          #microsecondTimestamps: true
                        -requestStack: RequestStack {#84
                          -requests: array:1 [
                            0 => Request {#2}
                        -projectDir: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1"
                        -debug: false
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    6 => array:2 [
                      0 => ResolveControllerNameSubscriber {#106
                        -parser: ControllerNameParser {#75
                          #kernel: AppKernel {#3
                            #bundles: array:16 [
                              "FrameworkBundle" => FrameworkBundle {#11
                                #name: "FrameworkBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "SecurityBundle" => SecurityBundle {#12
                                #name: "SecurityBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "TwigBundle" => TwigBundle {#13
                                #name: "TwigBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "MonologBundle" => MonologBundle {#14
                                #name: "MonologBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Symfony\Bundle\MonologBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "SwiftmailerBundle" => SwiftmailerBundle {#15
                                #name: "SwiftmailerBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "DoctrineBundle" => DoctrineBundle {#16
                                -autoloader: Closure {#30
                                  class: "Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Autoloader"
                                  parameters: {
                                    $className: {}
                                  use: {
                                    $proxyDir: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/doctrine/orm/Proxies"
                                    $proxyNamespace: "Proxies"
                                    $notFoundCallback: null
                                  file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Proxy/Autoloader.php"
                                  line: "66 to 76"
                                #name: "DoctrineBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "SensioFrameworkExtraBundle" => SensioFrameworkExtraBundle {#17
                                #name: "SensioFrameworkExtraBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "AppBundle" => AppBundle {#18
                                #name: "AppBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "AppBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "ApiBundle" => ApiBundle {#19
                                #name: "ApiBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "ApiBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "JMSSerializerBundle" => JMSSerializerBundle {#20
                                #name: "JMSSerializerBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "JMS\SerializerBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "JMSDiExtraBundle" => JMSDiExtraBundle {#21
                                #name: "JMSDiExtraBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "JMS\DiExtraBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "JMSAopBundle" => JMSAopBundle {#22
                                #name: "JMSAopBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "JMS\AopBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "NelmioCorsBundle" => NelmioCorsBundle {#23
                                #name: "NelmioCorsBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Nelmio\CorsBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "DoctrineMongoDBBundle" => DoctrineMongoDBBundle {#24
                                -autoloader: Closure {#31
                                  class: "Doctrine\Bundle\MongoDBBundle\DoctrineMongoDBBundle"
                                  this: DoctrineMongoDBBundle {#24}
                                  parameters: {
                                    $class: {}
                                  use: {
                                    $namespace: "MongoDBODMProxies"
                                    $dir: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/doctrine/odm/mongodb/Proxies"
                                    $container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                                  file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle/DoctrineMongoDBBundle.php"
                                  line: "56 to 86"
                                #name: "DoctrineMongoDBBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Doctrine\Bundle\MongoDBBundle"
                                #container: & appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle" => StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle {#25
                                #name: "StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              "SncRedisBundle" => SncRedisBundle {#26
                                #name: "SncRedisBundle"
                                #extension: null
                                #path: null
                                -namespace: "Snc\RedisBundle"
                                #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                            #bundleMap: array:16 [
                              "FrameworkBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => FrameworkBundle {#11}
                              "SecurityBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => SecurityBundle {#12}
                              "TwigBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => TwigBundle {#13}
                              "MonologBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => MonologBundle {#14}
                              "SwiftmailerBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => SwiftmailerBundle {#15}
                              "DoctrineBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => DoctrineBundle {#16}
                              "SensioFrameworkExtraBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => SensioFrameworkExtraBundle {#17}
                              "AppBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => AppBundle {#18}
                              "ApiBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => ApiBundle {#19}
                              "JMSSerializerBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => JMSSerializerBundle {#20}
                              "JMSDiExtraBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => JMSDiExtraBundle {#21}
                              "JMSAopBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => JMSAopBundle {#22}
                              "NelmioCorsBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => NelmioCorsBundle {#23}
                              "DoctrineMongoDBBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => DoctrineMongoDBBundle {#24}
                              "StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle {#25}
                              "SncRedisBundle" => array:1 [
                                0 => SncRedisBundle {#26}
                            #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                            #rootDir: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/app"
                            #environment: "prod"
                            #debug: false
                            #booted: true
                            #name: "app"
                            #startTime: null
                            #loadClassCache: null
                            -projectDir: null
                            -warmupDir: null
                            -requestStackSize: 1
                            -resetServices: true
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    7 => array:2 [
                      0 => LocaleListener {#107
                        -router: Router {#103}
                        -defaultLocale: "en"
                        -requestStack: RequestStack {#84}
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    8 => array:2 [
                      0 => FirewallListener {#108
                        -map: FirewallMap {#109
                          -container: ServiceLocator {#110
                            -factories: array:4 [
                              "" => Closure {#111
                                class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                                this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                                file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "1597 to 1599"
                              "" => Closure {#112
                                class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                                this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                                file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "1599 to 1601"
                              "" => Closure {#113
                                class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                                this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                                file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "1601 to 1603"
                              "" => Closure {#114
                                class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                                this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                                file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "1603 to 1605"
                            -loading: []
                            -externalId: null
                            -container: null
                          -map: RewindableGenerator {#115
                            -generator: Closure {#116
                              class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                              this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                              file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                              line: "1605 to 1610"
                            -count: 4
                          -contexts: SplObjectStorage {#117
                            storage: []
                          -container: ServiceLocator {#110}
                          -map: RewindableGenerator {#115}
                        -logoutUrlGenerator: LogoutUrlGenerator {#118
                          -requestStack: RequestStack {#84}
                          -router: Router {#103}
                          -tokenStorage: TokenStorage {#119
                            -token: null
                          -listeners: array:1 [
                            "main" => array:5 [
                              0 => "/logout"
                              1 => "logout"
                              2 => "_csrf_token"
                              3 => null
                              4 => null
                          -currentFirewall: null
                        -dispatcher: ContainerAwareEventDispatcher {#33}
                        -exceptionListeners: SplObjectStorage {#120
                          storage: []
                        -map: FirewallMap {#109}
                      1 => "onKernelRequest"
                  "kernel.exception" => array:4 [
                    0 => array:2 [
                      0 => ApiExceptionSubscriber {#128
                        -logger: Logger {#127
                          #name: "app"
                          #handlers: array:4 [
                            0 => StreamHandler {#83}
                            1 => StreamHandler {#82}
                            2 => FingersCrossedHandler {#78}
                            3 => ConsoleHandler {#77}
                          #processors: []
                          #microsecondTimestamps: true
                        -loggerMailGun: Logger {#127}
                      1 => "onKernelException"
                    1 => array:2 [
                      0 => EmailSenderListener {#129
                        -container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                        -logger: Logger {#127}
                        -wasExceptionThrown: false
                      1 => "onException"
                    2 => array:2 [
                      0 => RouterListener {#102}
                      1 => "onKernelException"
                    3 => array:2 [
                      0 => ExceptionListener {#130
                        #controller: "twig.controller.exception:showAction"
                        #logger: Logger {#76}
                        #debug: false
                      1 => "onKernelException"
                -listeners: array:13 [
                  "kernel.request" => array:9 [
                    2048 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => DebugHandlersListener {#90}
                        1 => "configure"
                    256 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => ValidateRequestListener {#93}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    250 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => CorsListener {#94}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    128 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => SessionListener {#97}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    48 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => FragmentListener {#100}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    32 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => RouterListener {#102}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    24 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => ResolveControllerNameSubscriber {#106}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    16 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => LocaleListener {#107}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                    8 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => FirewallListener {#108}
                        1 => "onKernelRequest"
                  "send.mail_event" => array:2 [
                    0 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#35
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "951 to 953"
                        1 => "send"
                    -100000 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#36
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "954 to 956"
                        1 => "onLogMail"
                  "log_webhooks.mail_event" => array:1 [
                    0 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#37
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "957 to 959"
                        1 => "onLogWebHooks"
                  "kernel.exception" => array:3 [
                    0 => array:2 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => ApiExceptionSubscriber {#128}
                        1 => "onKernelException"
                      1 => array:2 [
                        0 => EmailSenderListener {#129}
                        1 => "onException"
                    -64 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => RouterListener {#102}
                        1 => "onKernelException"
                    -128 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => ExceptionListener {#130}
                        1 => "onKernelException"
                  "kernel.response" => array:3 [
                    0 => array:3 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#39
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "963 to 965"
                        1 => "onKernelResponse"
                      1 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#58
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1020 to 1022"
                        1 => "onKernelResponse"
                      2 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#71
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1059 to 1061"
                        1 => "onKernelResponse"
                    -1024 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#40
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "966 to 968"
                        1 => "onKernelResponse"
                    -1000 => array:2 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#48
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "990 to 992"
                        1 => "onKernelResponse"
                      1 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#50
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "996 to 998"
                        1 => "onKernelResponse"
                  "kernel.finish_request" => array:1 [
                    0 => array:4 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#42
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "972 to 974"
                        1 => "onKernelFinishRequest"
                      1 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#49
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "993 to 995"
                        1 => "onFinishRequest"
                      2 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#54
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1008 to 1010"
                        1 => "onKernelFinishRequest"
                      3 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#57
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1017 to 1019"
                        1 => "onKernelFinishRequest"
                  "console.error" => array:2 [
                    -128 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#45
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "981 to 983"
                        1 => "onConsoleError"
                    0 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#64
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1038 to 1040"
                        1 => "onException"
                  "console.terminate" => array:3 [
                    -128 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#46
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "984 to 986"
                        1 => "onConsoleTerminate"
                    -255 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#61
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1029 to 1031"
                        1 => "onTerminate"
                    0 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#65
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1041 to 1043"
                        1 => "onTerminate"
                  "console.command" => array:1 [
                    255 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#60
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1026 to 1028"
                        1 => "onCommand"
                  "kernel.terminate" => array:1 [
                    0 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#63
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1035 to 1037"
                        1 => "onTerminate"
                  "kernel.controller" => array:2 [
                    0 => array:3 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#66
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1044 to 1046"
                        1 => "onKernelController"
                      1 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#67
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1047 to 1049"
                        1 => "onKernelController"
                      2 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#70
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1056 to 1058"
                        1 => "onKernelController"
                    -128 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#68
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1050 to 1052"
                        1 => "onKernelController"
                  "kernel.view" => array:1 [
                    0 => array:1 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#69
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1053 to 1055"
                        1 => "onKernelView"
                  "kernel.controller_arguments" => array:1 [
                    0 => array:2 [
                      0 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#72
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1062 to 1064"
                        1 => "onKernelControllerArguments"
                      1 => array:2 [
                        0 => Closure {#73
                          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
                          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
                          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
                          line: "1065 to 1067"
                        1 => "onKernelControllerArguments"
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:44 {if ($listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName)) {    $this->doDispatch($listeners, $eventName, $event);}
          arguments: {
            $listeners: array:9 [ …9]
            $eventName: "kernel.request"
            $event: GetResponseEvent {#89 …}
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php:127 {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
            $eventName: "kernel.request"
            $event: GetResponseEvent {#89 …}
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php:68 {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
          arguments: {
            $request: Request {#2}
            $type: 1
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php:200 {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
          arguments: {
            $request: Request {#2}
            $type: 1
            $catch: true
        /home/www/clients/client0/web1/web/app.php:19 {$request = Request::createFromGlobals();$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
          arguments: {
            $request: Request {#2}
    trace: {
      /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php:139 {
        ›     throw new NotFoundHttpException($message, $e);} catch (MethodNotAllowedException $e) {
      /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:212 {    }    \call_user_func($listener, $event, $eventName, $this);}
        arguments: {
          $event: GetResponseEvent {#89 …}
          ...: {
            ContainerAwareEventDispatcher {#33}
      /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:44 {if ($listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName)) {    $this->doDispatch($listeners, $eventName, $event);}
        arguments: {
          $listeners: array:9 [ …9]
          $eventName: "kernel.request"
          $event: GetResponseEvent {#89 …}
      /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php:127 {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
          $eventName: "kernel.request"
          $event: GetResponseEvent {#89 …}
      /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php:68 {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
        arguments: {
          $request: Request {#2}
          $type: 1
      /home/www/clients/client0/web1/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php:200 {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
        arguments: {
          $request: Request {#2}
          $type: 1
          $catch: true
      /home/www/clients/client0/web1/web/app.php:19 {$request = Request::createFromGlobals();$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
        arguments: {
          $request: Request {#2}
  -allowCustomResponseCode: false
  -response: null
  -kernel: HttpKernel {#32
    #dispatcher: ContainerAwareEventDispatcher {#33}
    #resolver: ControllerResolver {#74
      #parser: ControllerNameParser {#75}
      #container: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
      -logger: Logger {#76}
      -supportsVariadic: true
      -supportsScalarTypes: true
    #requestStack: RequestStack {#84}
    -argumentResolver: ArgumentResolver {#85
      -argumentMetadataFactory: ArgumentMetadataFactory {#86
        -supportsVariadic: true
        -supportsParameterType: true
      -argumentValueResolvers: RewindableGenerator {#87
        -generator: Closure {#88
          class: "ContainerGmstpiy\appProdProjectContainer"
          this: appProdProjectContainer {#28 …21}
          file: "/home/www/clients/client0/web1/var/cache/prod/ContainerGmstpiy/appProdProjectContainer.php"
          line: "1079 to 1087"
        -count: 7
  -request: Request {#2}
  -requestType: 1
  -propagationStopped: false